Last Updated: Saturday, January 14th, 2017
Internet Sports Wagering
Welcome to Casino Guide Canada, the home of the top Internet sports betting sites for Canadian sports wagers. There are a lot of great sports wagering sites on the Internet to choose from this season, however many of them do not accept Canadian players. This is why we are very proud to bring you the below best rated Canada Internet sports wagering sports books for Canadian players!
Top Canada Internet Wagering Sites
Sports Book Bonus
Internet Wagering Edge
Review |
100% |
* Live NFL Wagering * NFL Wagering Props * Canadian Players Accepted |
* Live NFL Wagering * NFL Wagering Props * Canadian Players Accepted * US Players Accepted |
# 3
15% |
*Football Wagering Lines
Internet Wagering At the Top Canada Internet Sports Sites
If you have any Canadian blood in you, then it’s in you to wager. Since the beginning of Canada wagering on sports has been dated back to some of the first racetracks in Eastern Canada. Eventually as other sports rose in popularity, wagering on them also because a part of the norm for Canadian players. Some of the earliest wagering on horses was done by affluent Canadian males in the 30’s. From speakeasies at night to wagering on boxing during the day, this grew quickly as a popular pastime for Canadians. Although originally women and the middle class were not even allowed to attend these sport events, eventually the stigma of wagering vanished and all adults alike were allowed to wager on boxing and horse racing. Nowadays any Canadian with $5 and over the age of 18 can place wagers. Not only can bettors bet in Government legalized land-base casinos, Canadians can also wager over the Internet. Wagering on sports in Canada is one of our nation’s most popular pastimes after watching sports. It was just a matter of time when our passion of playing and watching sports also opened up into betting on them. Let us not forget that it was a Canadian, James Naismith, who invented the game of basketball. A game and wagering event enjoyed by bettors all around the world as was evident in last year’s NBA finals.
Online Sports Betting Canada
When it comes to wagering on betting events for Canadians there are many different options to choose from. Whether you are looking to wager on parlays, or single wagers, the wagering possibilities are endless just as there are online sports betting sites in Canada to play at. Many people write to us asking if online sports betting in Canada is legal. Well, I guess it depends on who you ask. I can show you two very similar sites (Play Now and Bodog Canada), which offer wagering lines to players from Canada. One has 1 year experience, whereas the other has close to 20 years. Once has a customer service team that makes you wait 45 minutes to an hour to get through to a live speaking customer service agent, and the other one has a policy of answering all telephone calls before the second ring and replying to all e-mails within 15 minutes. One of the above mentioned Internet sports wagering sites has been hacked into numerous times in their first year of existence whereby leaving many accounts jeopardized and the other site has never missed a payout or lost/stole any player data in their 20 years of accepting bets. One of these sites is government owned, and the other one is Bodog. Now the choice is up to you, which online sports wagering site accepting players from Canada would you rather trust with your wagers and winnings?
Internet Sports Wagering
If you’re like me you never really got into wagering on sports with a bookie or in a casino, until it became available over the Internet. With stories of broken legs and loan sharks, going through a bookie or a pit boss to place a $5 wager to win $10 never really seemed worth it. Then boom! The Internet came and changed my life and the way I relax in a whole new way that I never thought possible. I went from watching and wagering for bragging rights on NFL and NBA games to making money. This is not one of those Canadian bettor stories where I am going to claim that paid off my mansion and got a Ferrari from my sports wagers, but I’d be lying to you if I said that sports betting didn’t help pay my mortgage and car payments. Now I don’t suggest using Internet sports wagering to pay for your tuition, or child’s tuition, but if you start of wagering on sports for just pure fun, there is a very good chance that you might earn yourself a few bucks that may help on a rainy day. If you are going to bet on sports then there are a few key points to keep in mind. Keep online sports betting Canada fun and make some money while you’re at it. Never bet with your heart, just with your head. Stay away from placing bets that include your home team. Never celebrate a winning wager until the game is officially over. I also suggest you never share your picks or which side you have money riding on until the game is over because you don’t want your friends to jinx your bets. Last but definitely not least, only place your wagers with a online sportsbook that can be trusted. For Canadian bettors that is easy, stick with either the Sports Interaction Canada sports wagering site or the Bodog Canada Internet betting sportsbook and you will never have a complaint. Refer a friend and you will also find a nice little gift waiting for you the next time you want to wager on sports.